Coaching Confidential
This is a podcast that takes you directly into a real life, unscripted life coaching session. Be a fly on the wall and listen to a conversation you don't normally get access to hearing. After each session, two professional coaches take you behind the scenes of the session deconstructing what came up for both the client AND the coach. Your hosts are; Lisa DiMatteo, PCC & Vimla Gulabani, PCC (PCC stands for Professional Certified Coach - a designation from coaches governing body, the ICF or International Coach Federation.
24 episodes
Episode 24: The emotional landscape of job loss & career transition
In Episode 24 of the Coaching Confidential Podcast, we feature a conversation with our client Chris Rohrig. Chris comes to t...
Season 3
Episode 24

Episode 23: Reevaluating Productivity Strategies: Setting Realistic Goals and Managing Distractions
In our latest episode of The Coaching Confidential Podcast, we sit with our client Shalani to explore the challenges of maintaining productivity in a remote work environment. Listen a...
Season 3
Episode 23

Episode 22: Finding Ease with Boundaries: A Journey of Forgiveness and Acceptance
In this powerfully emotional episode of The Coaching Confidential Podcast, certified life and wellness coach Adri...
Season 3
Episode 22

Episode 21: Embracing Uncertainty: The Power of Taking Action Without All the Answers
!!!UPDATE: Our client Veronica did the thing. She made a podcast. And HERE is the link to "How to take care of yourSelf" ...
Season 3
Episode 21

Episode 20: Coaching is not to solve your problems: A conversation with coach educator Shannon Kelly
In episode 20 of @thecoachingconfidentialpodcast, we host a conversation with a well known coach & coach educator for the Co-Active Trai...
Season 2
Episode 20

Episode 19: How to get better at decision making
Decision making isn't always easy even when we think it's supposed to be. In this engaging session, Vimla coaches Emilie, a dynamic entrepreneur a...
Season 2
Episode 19

Episode 18: What flavor is *YOUR* pie in the sky?
In episode 18 our client Ammarah arrives to her first-ever coaching session completely open to whatever the process might uncover for her and no defined topic. In this episode you'll hear this deeply thoughtful, fast...
Season 2
Episode 18

Episode 17: (self) Judgment causing energy leaks
In episode 17 of the Coaching Confidential Podcast we present a session with Jan Taylor of Get Lively Health and Fitness. Jan is a succ...
Season 2
Episode 17

Episode 16: Are you parenting intentionally?
In this episode, Vimla coaches Zarrina. The session starts out one place but through the skillful, gentle invitation to get into action *on the spot*, lands in another place.This session explores parenting, desire to be different, exper...
Season 2
Episode 16

Episode 15: I now pronounce you Coach & Coach
In a departure from our live, unscripted coaching format we are continuing our "Conversations with Coaches" series exploring how life changes when one goes through coach training and begins are career as a professional coach. You ...
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode 14: Teach, learn, love with Edwin Vega
Episode 14 continues our conversation series with professional certified coaches. This episode features a chat with coach Edwin Vega. You'll hear from Edwin about how he fe...
Season 2
Episode 14

Episode 13: "Stop coaching me right now!" a conversation with Terry Barkman
In this episode of Coaching Confidential we begin a series of conversations with professional coaches on the topic of what is different in their life since they've chosen coaching as a profession.Our first conversation is with...
Season 2
Episode 13

Episode 12: Excavating & Celebrating your raw materials, a retrospective coaching session.
In episode 12 we share a looking back (or retrospective) session with our client Kate. Recently reaching a significant career goal, we walk along with Kate as she recalls some of the key milestones of her journey to a new, significant pr...
Season 2
Episode 12

Episode 11: Coaches in conversation *not* getting coached
This episode is all about the magic and pure value of the reflective process. Have you ever reached a goal and moved immediately from the worlds shortest 'congrats' straight to forming the next goal? Do you usually skip 'celebrating' ...
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 10: Taking it personally
This episode has so many dimensions to it. On the surface the topic is about how the client can improve her relationship with her adult daughter. Underneath the layers we find so much more, including the details of what's really...
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 9: Resilience & the jewels in your pocket (aka: the answers you already have)
This episode focuses on our client Yamini. Yamini's topic is focused on becoming more resilient. Specifically, resilience in the face of feelings that result in behaviors she feels aren't good for her or those around her. 'Being with' b...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8: WHY: the conclusion of our exploration into Authentic Relating
This episode is the conclusion of a 3-part series exploring Authentic Relating & Coaching with ICF Credentialed Coach Gabe DeRita & Lisa DiMatteo, PCC. In this episode we begin by looking at the WHY. Why w...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Let the (authentic relating) games begin...
In this episode, the second in a series of three on the topic of Authentic Relating, we continue to learn by playing. Yes, playing. Our guest Gabe DeRita leads your host Lisa D through&nb...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Authentic Relating with Gabe DeRita
This episode is refreshingly authentic. A slight change of format too! We were curious about what supporting practices other coaches bring to their work with clients, there are so many possibilities. In this episode we explore one, Authentic Re...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: Your awesome life: EVEN AWESOMER!
If you ever thought coaching was a tool to fix a problem - you're right, and that's not all it's about. If your life is great and you want to make it awesome, coaching could be for you, too.In this episode we invite
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: "Coaching brings you back to yourSelf, open the gift!"
Do you ever resist seeing yourSelf in your best and true light? Do you tend to focus on what's missing or feeling into where you aren't enough? We can call this 'imposter syndrome.' Many talented and successful individuals suffer this syndrome....
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3: Get on the bus or get out of the way: Coaches getting coached
Have you ever been stuck? Ridiculous question right? This episode is about getting unstuck. Becoming really clear(er). And moving forward!Your hosts, Lisa and Vimla reach out to a coach friend, John Poelstra for a session that has bec...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 2: Surviving to Thriving
In this episode Lisa coaches Vimla. You will hear a demonstration of coaching where emotions are explored and moved WITHOUT backstory. Listen and witness the journey of a charged & confusing moment into clarity and purpose with an act...
Season 1
Episode 2