Coaching Confidential
This is a podcast that takes you directly into a real life, unscripted life coaching session. Be a fly on the wall and listen to a conversation you don't normally get access to hearing. After each session, two professional coaches take you behind the scenes of the session deconstructing what came up for both the client AND the coach. Your hosts are; Lisa DiMatteo, PCC & Vimla Gulabani, PCC (PCC stands for Professional Certified Coach - a designation from coaches governing body, the ICF or International Coach Federation.
Coaching Confidential
Episode 21: Embracing Uncertainty: The Power of Taking Action Without All the Answers
!!!UPDATE: Our client Veronica did the thing. She made a podcast. And HERE is the link to "How to take care of yourSelf" available wherever you listen to podcasts.!!!
In episode 21 of the Coaching Confidential podcast, host Lisa DiMatteo welcomes Veronica Wolff Casey, a clinical ayurvedic medical practitioner and ayurvedic yoga therapist. Veronica shares her journey and expertise in natural health and well-being, discussing her mission to educate and empower people to live their best lives. The coaching conversation revolves around Veronica's desire to launch a podcast and the challenges she faces in getting started. Lisa helps Veronica explore what is holding her back. By the end of the session, Veronica gains clarity on her podcast's mission, and realizes that she doesn't need to know all the answers to begin her podcasting journey.
Resources mentioned in this episode include:
Veronica Wolff-Casey's Ayurveda & Yoga HQ
Dr. Mona Warner's Book "Ayurveda's 3 Pillars of Health"
More about the coaching session:
The session highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty and taking action, even without knowing all the answers, a highly relatable topic for these modern times.
One of the key insights that emerges from the session is the idea that Veronica doesn't necessarily need to know what is holding her back in order to take action. Lisa challenges Veronica's belief that she must have all the answers before starting her podcast, suggesting that sometimes the knowing comes in the doing. This notion challenges Veronica's tendency to seek certainty and pushes her to embrace the uncertainty of starting a podcast without all the answers.
As the coaching session progresses, Veronica gains clarity on her podcast's mission and format. She articulates her desire to educate and empower people to live their best lives through ayurveda, yoga, food, and other modalities she has studied throughout her life. Veronica's mission is to simplify these often esoteric concepts and make them accessible to a wider audience, breaking down barriers and ensuring that anyone can understand and benefit from this knowledge.
Throughout the coaching session, Veronica's fear of rejection emerges as a significant barrier to launching her podcast. She worries about putting in time and effort only to have no one listen or engage with her content. This fear is rooted in a deep desire to make a meaningful impact and serve her community. Veronica's dedication to helping others and her commitment to providing valuable content drives her fear of n
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